Miscellanous Utilities

The utils.py module contains utility classes and functions that are used by all of the other modules such as e.g, logging.

class utils.Singleton[source]

Bases: type

Singleton design pattern. To be used as a metaclass: class A(metaclass = Singleton)

class utils.Timer[source]

Bases: object

Context manager style timer. To be used as: with Timer():

utils.addr2line(elf_file: Path, pc_address: str) tuple[str, int] | None[source]

Mimics the functionality of the addr2line binutil using pyelftools. Takes an ELF file and an address, and returns the corresponding file name and line number using the .debug_line section.

  • elf_file (pathlib.Path) – The elf file.

  • pc_address (str) – The address of the program counter to look for within the elf in hexadecimal format as str.


A file-line pair. The file (index-0) is the source which contains the line number that corresponds to the pc_address and the lien (index-1) is the 1-based indexing of the line number within the source file.

Return type:


utils.compile_assembly(*instructions, exit_on_error: bool = False) bool[source]

Executes a sequence of bash instructions to compile the self.asm_file. Uses subprocess for each instruction and optionally exits on error.

  • exit_on_error (bool) – If an error is encountered during compilation and this is True, then the program terminates. Otherwise it continues.

  • *instructions (str) – A sequence of bash commands required in order to (cross) compile the assembly files.


True if no message was written to stderr from any of the executed instructions (subprocesses). False otherwise.

Return type:



SystemExit – if stderr contains text and exit_on_error is True.

utils.get_logger() Logger[source]

Return the pre-configured logger.

utils.reap_process_tree(pid: int, timeout: float = 5.0) None[source]

Gracefully terminate and reap the process tree for a given PID.

  • pid (int) – The process ID of the root process.

  • timeout (float) – Time in seconds to wait for processes to be reaped.

utils.setup_logger(stream_logging_level: int, log_file: str | None = None) None[source]

Set up a logger with stream and file handlers.

utils.to_snake_case(name: str) str[source]

name (str) – A camelCase-like string


The name in snake_case format.

Return type:


utils.trace(self, message, *args, **kws)[source]
utils.zip_archive(archive_name: str, *files) str[source]

Generates a .zip archive of arbitrary files.


archive_name (str) – The filename (stem) of the zip archive.


The generated archive path string.

Return type:
