Miscellanous Utilities¶
The utils.py
module contains utility classes and functions that are used by all of the other modules such as e.g, logging.
- class utils.Singleton[source]¶
Singleton design pattern. To be used as a metaclass:
class A(metaclass = Singleton)
- utils.addr2line(elf_file: Path, pc_address: str) tuple[str, int] | None [source]¶
Mimics the functionality of the addr2line binutil using pyelftools. Takes an ELF file and an address, and returns the corresponding file name and line number using the .debug_line section.
- Parameters:
elf_file (pathlib.Path) – The elf file.
pc_address (str) – The address of the program counter to look for within the elf in hexadecimal format as str.
- Returns:
A file-line pair. The file (index-0) is the source which contains the line number that corresponds to the
and the lien (index-1) is the 1-based indexing of the line number within the source file.- Return type:
- utils.compile_assembly(*instructions, exit_on_error: bool = False) bool [source]¶
Executes a sequence of bash instructions to compile the self.asm_file. Uses subprocess for each instruction and optionally exits on error.
- Parameters:
exit_on_error (bool) – If an error is encountered during compilation and this is True, then the program terminates. Otherwise it continues.
*instructions (str) – A sequence of bash commands required in order to (cross) compile the assembly files.
- Returns:
True if no message was written to
from any of the executed instructions (subprocesses). False otherwise.- Return type:
- Raises:
SystemExit – if
contains text andexit_on_error
is True.
- utils.reap_process_tree(pid: int, timeout: float = 5.0) None [source]¶
Gracefully terminate and reap the process tree for a given PID.
- Parameters:
pid (int) – The process ID of the root process.
timeout (float) – Time in seconds to wait for processes to be reaped.
- utils.setup_logger(stream_logging_level: int, log_file: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Set up a logger with stream and file handlers.